On a Mission

Inspired by the spirituality of Mother Marie-Rose Durocher, her educational vision and her concern for justice, our congregation has been able to adapt to the needs and issues of the various local communities where the sisters are present.

In Lesotho, our mission takes many forms. We work in education and pastoral ministry. We are also very involved in health care through dispensaries and clinics to help, among others, AIDS patients. Some of us work in hospitals and maternity clinics.

Our knowledge of the various environments, both urban and rural, leads us to initiate mobilizing projects both on our own and in solidarity with others. Some of these projects help disabled and/or orphaned children. Others help build family services to deal with extreme poverty and famine.

Other projects aim to mentor adolescents left on their own to enable them to flourish and become responsible adults. Always determined to meet the needs we encounter, we have extended our works to our neighboring country, South Africa, and more particularly to Qwa-Qwa where we have a pre-school.

At the same time, we actively participate in the calls for justice launched throughout the congregation to promote fundamental human rights, the dignity of the person and the health of our planet. We are very happy to have collaborated in the process of analysis and reflection and to have adopted, with our sisters from the other SNJM provinces, three Corporate Stands on very current themes for Lesotho: