Blessing of New Provincial and Opening of Infirmary

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December 26, 2020 was our time to bless our new Provincial, Sister Laurentina Motseki. The occasion started with the Mass with Bishop Tumahole Augustinus Bani as a main celebrant. Concelebrates were Fr. Mohapi and Fr. Nthethe, parish priests.

The gospel of the day was read from Luke 19,1-10. In his homily the Bishop said we are individually called but communally sent as Holy Names Sisters.

After the Mass Sr. Laurenina was blessed as our new provincial of the Holy Names Sisters in the Lesotho Province. The occasion happened at Peka, where we usually hold the congregation celebrations. It was really a touching moment when Sister Catherine Ntoloane handed over the lighted candle.

Sr. Catherine said, Aaron was asked to light the lamp for the Lord. She addressed the new leadership team that they should light their lamps for the congregation.

Former Leadership Team (left to right): Augustina Thokoa SNJM, Francina Mokoteli SNJM), Eugenia Masheane SNJM, Aloysia Makoae SNJM Catherine NtoloaneSNJM

After the out-going provincial’s speech the Bishop blessed both new and old leadership teams. He expressed his gratitude to the former Leadership Team for service and he congratulated the new leadership team.

New Infirmary

On the same day the new infirmary was opened. The Bishop used the blessings book for prayers of the new infirmary. He encouraged the sisters that God should be among us in his fullness. He should help older sisters be united and love another to be relieved from their pain. They should welcome visitors like mother Marie-Rose.