The Feasts of Final Vows and Jubilees

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It is always gratifying for the congregation to hold life jubilees for its sisters. 2021 was blessed as there were three sisters who on May 18th celebrated their final vows into sisterhood. The trio were Sr Sylvia Papapa, Sr Blandina Monese and Sr Cecilia Rannoni. Then followed Sr Mariam Botsane who celebrated the Silver jubilee of 25 years, while Sr Lydia Chonela celebrated her Pentecostal jubilee of 50 years.

The service was presided over by His Lordship Bishop Tumahole Bane — Bishop of Leribe. In his sermon, he indicated that as sisters of the Holy Names they should always rely and pin their hopes and aspirations to the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary and they should exhibit obedience and in so doing they will find it easy to perform their duties. He said taking vows is both a beginning and a cementing of consecrated life.

On behalf of all those that were celebrating, Sr Sylvia Papapa thanked all those that have assisted them in reaching the heights that they have reached. Above all, she thanked their parents who willingly led them into giving up their lives to the Church. Ntate Chonela thanked them, on behalf of the parents, and encouraged them to persevere the life they have chosen — of following Christ in his Church.