Maryland Health Center Celebrates with Patients

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It was on 6 October 2020 at Maryland Health Center, when patients gathered with sisters from the Formation House to celebrate the Feast day of Mother Mary-Rose. Our postulant Lerato Lydia Rankoti gave a talk to the patients about our foundress: “Mother Marie-Rose loved to visit people on her horse called Caeser, it took her to the people, so we feel very compelled to be here and we are with you because you are very important. Our foundress was also sickly and she loved the sick. Please be aware that for each one of us, God has his own purpose about his or her life, even in his or her sickness. God’s blessings are there for each one of us. May you go back home healed and encouraged by the power of our healing God.”

On the same occasion, the 48 women patients who were present at Maryland Heath Centre were fortunate to receive some food parcels. Twenty of them were given a box of Future Life and the rest were given two packets of rice. The Health Center got those food parcels from a generous funder. On that day, Sister Amelia Motsamai read to the patients the word of God that is quoted in our Constitutions. Sister Theresia Lekena commented, “We are celebrating the birthday, baptism and death of our foundress mother Mary-Rose”.

They concluded the Feast Day of our foundress with the celebration of Holy Mass at their convent with the Oblates priests staying at Maryland parish, namely, Fr. Matlosa, Fr. Shai and Fr. Thamae.